Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Are you a Crafter?

If you are a crafter & would like to save money, know what's HOT this year & learn new techniques.  Join this FabULICIOUS group on yahoo, the group of ladies are awesome to work with.  You will meet other ladies in this group who are VERY helpful.  The YAHOO group names are All About Ribbon & My Buys.  Don't forget to let them know Mini Diva Creations sent you over.  What are you waiting for??  Join Today!!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

New Item!!

I've been very busy getting my designs on FLIP FLOPS!!!  Yes Mini Diva now carries Flip Flops YAY so excited.  Now I can't wait to see toes out & in these adorable flops.  If interested drop me an email @

Friday, March 11, 2011

Sorry for being MIA

Ladies I'm so sorry I haven't posted anything in a long time.  I've been so busy working on accessories for up coming shows & just recently started making flip flops which takes me longer since I never did them before.  Also my nephew has taken up allot of my down time because he has been sick on & off with a nasty cold.  Today he was literally climbing on me & either wining/crying, I knew there was something wrong but didn't know that he was in extreme pain from double ear infections.  Poor little guy can't catch a break.  
DivaLICIOUS has been hogging my down time as well with a project she's been working on for 6 weeks now.  So happy that she did outstanding & it's OVER.  
Baby Boy has spring break this week so he's been home everyday.  This might sound not nice but I so miss MY time.  Hopefully next week I can have at least one day that all I want really ONE day!!!   If you prefer to send me an email please feel free it's

I've been wondering how to get involved in blog surveys & giveaways.  If this is something you are currently doing & would like to share information with me I would appreciate it.  Once I get all information & understanding I can sit down & way my options.

Gonna get some shut eye.